
10-Week Comprehensive Class

This series covers everything from prenatal health through labor, birth, and postpartum. A series of exercises, comfort measures, and relaxation techniques accompany the information you will learn throughout these 10 weeks. Also includes access to an online breastfeeding course.

$350 per couple.

Hospital Birth Class

This 7-week series is designed for those planning a hospital birth. You will learn your choices in a hospital and be provided information to make empowered decisions. This class covers interventions, cesarean sections, pre- and post-birth procedures, and more. 

$250 per couple.

Homebirth & Birth Center Class

This 5-week course is designed for those planning a birth outside of the hospital, though it will also cover information on unplanned transfers. Topics include sights and sounds of normal birth, comfort measures, and what interventions may be possible outside of the hospital. 

$250 per couple.

2-Day Basic Training

Designed for those close to their due date or with other time constraints, this 7-hour course is a survey of all the basics you will need to know for an amazing birth. You will leave with confidence and a birth plan that you can use immediately. 

Price: $250 per couple.

Reboot Refresher Class

For those who have previously taken a childbirth class who want to brush up on their knowledge, this 4-hour course is for you! We will review the stages of labor, relaxation and comfort measures, and postpartum care. 

Price: $150 per couple. 

Comfort Measures Class

This 4-hour course focuses specifically on building confidence for labor. Topics will include relaxation, massage, imagery, communication, and other techniques. This can supplement other childbirth courses or be great for second-time parents. 

Price: $150 per couple.

Each class includes 1 workbook per couple. 

Private classes can be arranged by request. 

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