Blog Writing

Are you a birth professional? So why do you feel like you have to be an SEO expert, a marketer, and a web developer all at once? 

As a birth educator, I know the importance of marketing and reaching new clients. I also know that sometimes that work can feel like another job on top of your already busy schedule. After seeing a lot of my colleagues struggle to maintain a blog, I decided to use my expertise to fill this gap. 

In my non-birth life, I have an MBA from Georgia Tech where I concentrated in marketing, and I work in product management at a software company. I also have written SEO-focused blogs as a freelancer for chiropractors, doctors, and a range of other industries in recent years. 

I'm bringing my background in both business and birth to you. 

Here's How It Works: 

Doulas, educators, sleep professionals, and other birth or baby-focused businesses can reach out to me for support with writing blogs for their website. We'll work together to determine: 

  • What keywords will bring the most traffic
  • The best topics for each niche 
  • How often to publish blogs
  • The right length of each blog 
  • How to measure success 

From there, we can build a plan of action where I provide blog content based on these needs. 

Click here for rates and FAQ

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